Tales From The Krug
March 1, 2002
Copyright AA Krug

Some days just don't go right
In June 1968 I was working the Penn Central yard engine at Middletown, Ohio. It was one of the last moves of the day. At the far east end of town we were pulling a string of cars along the industry lead heading back to the yard when a boxcar split a switch. This is the view from the cab soon after the dust settled. The locomotive is a NYC Baldwin S12.

We removed the rest of the coupled cars and left the clean up for the next day. On my way home I stopped to take this photo.

The next day the bighook arrived and we had to help clean up our own mess. We have already rerailed and removed the coal hopper and are now preparing to work on the boxcar. The loco is a GP7 or GP9 of the wreck train. The cylinder outside the window is a motor-generator that supplies power to the primitive radios of the day. You do remember tubes don't you?

Yes that is a steam derrick. Ready. One, two, three, lift.


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Created 03-01-2002
Updated 03-02-2002